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Citizens Concerned About the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront

Updated: July 10, 2024

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New Membership Renewal Options for 2024

Fall Bird Walk Dates

June Bird Walk Report & Photos

Shoreline Rehabilitation at CSSP to Start Late 2024

Toronto Nature Stewards in South Etobicoke

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Since we first launched this website, “Friends of” groups have been established for all three of our major waterfront parks.

The Friends of Sam Smith Park (FOSS) was the first one. They now have a blog, and a Facebook page.FOSS green sm

Brian Keaveney of FOSS, has created this helpful map listing many of the informal but commonly used, place names at Colonel Samuel Smith Park:

Final Map


FOHBP new logoThe Friends of Humber Bay Park have a Facebook page and run a variety of events and activities in the park.

FOMC_Logo_124x252.The Friends of Marie Curtis Park have a Facebook page as well.