CCFEW Annual General Meeting
Join us on Monday, February 25th for our virtual AGM. online at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Our Annual General Meeting is when we elect our executive, review our finances, review the previous year, and set goals and priorities for the year ahead. The AGM is open for all to attend and is a good chance to get an overview of our activities if you are interested in becoming more involved.
All of our meetings are now held on Zoom, and this will be our fifth virtual AGM. There is no registration required, just click on this Zoom link.
The AGM is also the time when many people typically renew their membership. No need to wait - you can do it online here. Still just $10/year.
Check our updated Meetings Page for meeting dates and Zoom links. Our meetings are open to all. Join us and find out what’s going on!