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Citizens Concerned About the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront

Updated: July 10, 2024

What’s New

New Membership Renewal Options for 2024

Fall Bird Walk Dates

June Bird Walk Report & Photos

Shoreline Rehabilitation at CSSP to Start Late 2024

Toronto Nature Stewards in South Etobicoke

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What's Up

There are many issues, large and small, that pop up from time to time but don’t necessarily fit into any of the other pages.  So, to help keep people up to date, we have this “What’s Up” page.

June 26, 2024

The start of shoreline rehabilitation work at Colonel Samuel Smith Park has been delayed again according to this undated update on the project webpage:

    “TRCA is deferring construction to Fall 2024 to work with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) on aquatic habitat improvement and restoration in Colonel Samuel Smith Park. This work is part of the permitting and approvals stage of project planning to ensure the effects of protecting the shoreline are coupled with habitat benefits in the park. TRCA, in tandem with Municipal, Provincial, and Federal agencies, will continue working towards a solution that provides erosion protection while minimizing impacts to terrestrial and aquatic habitat.

Click here for earlier details on this page.

May 29, 2024

The 2024 Spring Bird Festival was another resounding success. Despite the rain which continued for almost the whole time, we had a great turnout! We can only guess what the attendance would have been if the weather had been favourable. Here are a few photos from the CCFEW table.


Moved from the home page, January 2024, but still worth a look. The linked slide show gives an overview of the “Windows on the Lake”.

Screenshot windows

Windows on the Lake

What are they? Where are they? Why should you care? What needs to happen?

Click this link or the image above to learn more.


Listen to the story on CBC’s Metro Morning aired on June 15, 2023

November 24, 2023

The newly expanded Miles Road End Parkette has re-opened! There is still work to be done: replacement of the park bench, etc., but the parkette is now fully accessible, with all of the construction fencing removed. The construction started this spring, but this reclamation of privatized public space has been years in the making. It’s great to see it finally come to fruition!

Here are some views this morning (November 24).


November 23, 2023

Shoreline Rehabilitation at Colonel Samuel Smith Park to Start in mid-2024

The TRCA will be starting a shoreline rehabilitation project at Colonel Samuel Smith Park in March of next year. The first phase of this project will address the outer shore at and around Whimbrel Point, which has been seriously eroded by a series of severe storms over the past few years.

December 2023 Update: The start of construction was originally slated for March 2024, but has been delayed to mid-2024

You can find more information on the TRCA’s project website.


There is a new development proposal in Long Branch which has generated a lot of pubic concern. It would replace the existing 7 story apartments beside Long Branch Park with towers reaching 30 stories. There are many problems and concerns with this proposal, but most of them aren’t directly CCFEW concerns. Our concerns are mainly around stormwater management and the additional pressure on the adjacent Long Branch Park and Len Ford Park.

You can find out more about the process on Councillor Morley’s website.

All of the planning documents are on the City’s Application Information Centre


March 8, 2023

Work will begin this month to enhance and expand the Miles Road Parkette! The work will begin with shoreline rehabilitation and the final result will be a substantially enlarged waterfront parkette. CCFEW joined local residents several years ago to contest a major encroachment by one of the neighbouring property owners. The result is that public access will be restored to a significant portion of waterfront.

You can find more information on the TRCA’s project website.


February 6. 2023

The fences are down and we can pass under the QEW on the Etobicoke Creek again! Completion of the formal trail won’t happen until later this year at the earliest, but the path under the bridge is better now than it was before construction started. The trail from the QEW up to Sherway Drive was completed over four years ago and now we can use it again!

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View from the south side. Feb. 6, 2023

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Looking south from the Middle Road Bridge. Feb 6, 2023

North from Middle Road 770px

Looking north from the Middle Road Bridge. Feb 6, 2023

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A view from the north side of the QEW. The path is muddy and icy now, but it is wide, fairly level, and OPEN. Even this is an improvement from the pre-construction conditions.

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