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Citizens Concerned About the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront

Updated: Feb 11, 2025

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December 18, 2015

Sherway Trail Trail Project  - Status Update, December 2015

Last week, we received a response to our request for a status update on the Sherway Trail Project.  Your can read the full letter here, but below is the summary of the budget status and next steps:

Budget Status:

  • As of 2015, the estimated cost to implement the Sherway Trail & Restoration Project is $550,000- $600,000 (cost estimate includes asphalt surface trail and pedestrian node).
  • It is staff’s understanding from a meeting with local councillors office In October 2015, that due to delay on this project and other community priority needs, the Section 37 funds had been reallocated for other immediate priorities. Councillor’s office will look into future opportunities to secure funds.
  • TRCA has included this project as a future unmet need in their 2016 Budget request to the City.
  • City of Toronto’s Cycling Infrastructure group within the Transportation Services division has confirmed that they have allocated funds (approximately $200K) in their 2016 budget to support the Sherway Trail Project.
  • TRCA has ~$21,000 in its current capital budget to support implementation of restoration works associated with the project.
  • City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry & Recreation has not committed any additional funding for 2016. The only funding commitment in 2016 is from Transportation in the amount of 200K. Therefore the funding shortfall is 350K-400K.

Next Steps:

  • Secure remaining funds for project
  • CoT to complete easement agreement with MTO to support trail connection.
  • CoT to resubmit Encroachment Permit request to MTO required for the section of trail underneath the QEW.
  • TRCA to retain engineering consultant to complete detail design for pedestrian crossing
  • TRCA to secure internal approvals for pedestrian crossing.
  • TRCA to prepare bridge tender packages and secure contract to build and install pedestrian crossing.
  • TRCA to construct trail
  • TRCA to retain contractor to install asphalt surface along trail
  • TRCA to work CoT and City of Mississauga to develop trail kiosk and signage for pedestrian node.
  • TRCA to work with staff and the local community implement site specific restoration plan to help enhance vegetation and along the riparian zone which will assist with mitigating the erosion along the creek banks, prevent sedimentation and enhance habitat and natural corridor connections for local wildlife.

Once completed this project will help to close and restore the informal trails within the projects site and create a formal multi-use trail connection which can be managed and maintained by the City.

Further communication with the TRCA has confirmed that, aside from the pedestrian bridge,  all detailed design work is complete. 

Look further down this page to see what you can do.

December 9, 2015

Lake Shore West Cycle TrackLakeshore-Cycle-Track-at-Royal-York-Draft-July-2

There could be a new two-way cycling path on Lake Shore Blvd. West by next summer.  If all goes according to plan, the path will be built between First Street and Norris Crescent in the lane that is currently being excavated for sanitary sewer repairs.  Plans were presented at a well attended public open house at the New Toronto library last night.  You can find out more by clicking on the image above or visiting the project page here.

December 8, 2015

Parks and Recreation Facilities Master PlanActiveSpacesPeoplePlaces

Parks Forestry and Recreation is developing a 20-year Facilities Master Plan to guide investment in parks and recreation facilities such as community centres, ice rinks, weight rooms, and sports fields. Toronto is changing, the population is growing and recreation trends are shifting. Developing a long-term plan to build and renew facilities across the city will help us to be prepared to meet recreation needs into the future

Take the survey and have your say!

November 24, 2015

The Lakeview Waterfront Connection Detailed DesignLWC_Masterplan

Mississauga’s Lakeview Waterfront Connection project has passed its environmental assessment, and a detailed design was presented at a public meeting on November 16th.  This will be a major naturalized waterfront park adjoining Marie Curtis Park.  Construction is expected to begin next year.  It could take up to 10 years to complete.

Virtually everything about it is available on the Project Website.  Their downloads page has the whole EA and presentation materials from all the public meetings.

Notable links from last week’s meeting include The Poster Board Displays, The Presentation, and a video page including a virtual fly-over of the park and a scale model built to test the effect of wave action on the new shoreline.

November 20, 2015

“Sherway Trail” Extension in Danger of Never Being Completed

We have been talking about it, planning, prodding, and lobbying for it for more than a decade, but the “Sherway Trail” extension of the Etobicoke Creek Trail is in danger of never being built.

We are asking the City’s Budget Committee to restore its funding, and asking you to contact Ward 5 Councillor Justin Di Ciano to tell him you want this completed.  The paved trail was extended in Ward 6, to the south edge of the QEW right of way several years ago.  Now we need to complete the missing link.

This is what we are asking of the Budget Committee:

    Re. “Sherway Trail” Extension of the Etobicoke Creek Trail

    We are requesting that funding for the “Sherway Trail” extension of the Etobicoke Creek Trail be included in the City of Toronto's 2016 Capital Budget.  This trail extension will provide a vital safe and convenient connection under the Queen Elizabeth Way for pedestrians and cyclists.  This will facilitate access for Ward 6 residents to Sherway Gardens and for Ward 5 residents to Lake Ontario and the Waterfront Trail.  It will also create an important link between the Waterfront Trail and Mississauga via the historic Middle Road Bridge.

    Citizens Concerned About the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront (CCFEW) has been working with TRCA and City staff for many years as part of the Etobicoke & Mimico Creek Watersheds Coalition to bring this project to fruition.

    In 2006, $400,000 in funding was secured through a Section 37 agreement at 700 Evans Avenue.  The project has been stalled for years due to the Ministry of Transportation's reluctance to enter into an easement agreement.  Now that the MTO hurdle has finally been cleared, we are hearing that this project is no longer a City priority.

    We urge you to restore funding for this project in the 2016 capital budget to finally complete this “missing link” in Toronto's trail system.

This is our plea to get people to speak out in support of the trail:


You can click on the image above for a pdf version.  Please feel free to print and/or share it widely.

Below is page one of a project information summary prepared back when we thought the project would start in 2009.  Again, you can click on the image for the full 2 page pdf version.


November 18, 2015

Mimico Harbour Officially Named

Did you ever wonder if it had a name?  Well now it does:  Mimico Harbour. MimicoHarbour

Officially named, September 29, 2015.

Colonel Sam Smith Park Wetland Lookout Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Fall Tree Planting

October 24, 2015


Despite overcast skies and the constant threat of rain, over 40 volunteers/supporters attended the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Wetland Lookout in Colonel Sam Smith Park.

The lookout was constructed with funds obtained from a grant provided by the W. Garfield Weston Foundation. Representatives from the foundation and from the parks department spoke briefly and thanked the volunteers from such groups as FOSS and CCFEW for their dedication and interest in the well being of the park.

After completion of the official ribbon cutting ceremony, volunteers of all ages planted a variety of native shrubs that included Serviceberry, Sandbar Willow, Meadow Rose and American Larch. Heavier rain began falling by the noon hour--just in time to water all the new plantings.

Many thanks to Sandra Hawkins for the write-up and the photos!


September 23, 2015

Shoreline Towers - 2313 & 2323 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Development Proposal

There was a public meeting last night to discuss the Development Proposal for 2313 & 2323 Lake Shore Blvd. W.  A 25 story condo tower has been proposed between the existing Shoreline Towers buildings and the lake.  The January 2015 Staff Report envisioned a public meeting in the second quarter of this year.

Whether yesterday’s meeting was late or premature may be a matter of opinion, but it was certainly ill-timed. The applicant has decided not to proceed with the proposal as detailed in the January 30, 2015 Staff Report.  They indicated that they are modifying the proposal, but have no details to provide at this time.  The lack of information is compounded by the fact that this development is subject to the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan, and that the applicant has made a site-specific appeal of that plan to the Ontario Municipal Board.  The applicant and the City are currently engaged in a mediation process in an attempt to reach an agreement before a decision is imposed by the OMB. The ability of either party to comment is severely limited during that mediation process.

City Planning staff have indicated that no final report will be going to Council until more details are known about the revised proposal.

So, we don’t know much more of substance than we did last week, but whatever revised proposal comes forward, it is probably safe to assume that the same issues and concerns will apply.

April 27, 2015

Old Binoculars Wanted!

Do you have an old, unused pair of binoculars taking up space in your drawers or cupboards?  We can give them a new purpose as loaners at our Bird Walks.

We have noticed an increasing number of people at our Bird Walks who don’t have binoculars.  People who have ever been to one of our walks before are often amazed by how many things they have never seen or noticed before.  Binoculars give them a chance to see them much better.  We have started loaning binoculars at the walks, but demand still far outstrips supply.

If you have a spare pair that you would like to donate to our pool, please drop them by at the Bird Festival registration table or at one of our walks.

April 24, 2015

Sam Smith Park Nature Programs Update

There are currently 1350 students booked for Humber Arboretum nature programs in May & June at Sam Smith Park.  650 of those are subsidized.

April 15, 2015

Toronto Parks and Trails Wayfinding Strategy

The City of Toronto is in the midst of developing a Wayfinding (signage) Strategy for parks and trails, and they are seeking public input on three design concepts.  Click here to find out more and take the survey.

Note:  The survey closes April 23rd.


March 26, 2015

Teachers: Here’s how to book your class for outdoor education programs at Col Sam Smith Park and receive a $4.00/student subsidy!


March 26, 2015

Urban Raccoon Research

York University is conducting research into urban raccoons:

    Thank you for participating in this short survey about raccoons in the Greater Toronto Area!

    The goal of this study is to get input from members of the public on the impact of raccoons in the urban environment. Data from the study will be used to inform public policy, and to improve wildlife management in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). You will be asked to complete 10 short questions about your view on raccoons in the region. This should take no more than 5 minutes. We will also ask you some basic demographic questions (age, sex, general geographic location, pet ownership). These will help us determine if there are differences in attitudes and raccoon contact-- across the various neighbourhoods of the GTA.

    We do not foresee any risks or discomfort from your participation in the research. Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating at any time. Your decision to stop participating, or to refuse to answer particular questions, will not affect your relationship with the researchers or York University. In the event you withdraw from the study, all associated data will be immediately deleted. All information you supply during the research will be held in confidence and you will remain anonymous to the researchers. Your data will be safely stored and backed up and only the researchers will have access to this information. The data will be archived for seven years, and then completely deleted. No names or email addresses will be gathered.

    Questions About the Research? If you have questions about the research in general or about your role in the study, please feel free to contact Dr. Suzanne MacDonald ( This research has been reviewed and approved by the Human Participants Review Sub-Committee, York University’s Ethics Review Board and conforms to the standards of the Canadian Tri-Council Research Ethics guidelines. If you have any questions about this process, or about your rights as a participant in the study, please contact the Sr. Manager & Policy Advisor for the Office of Research Ethics, 5th Floor, York Research Tower, York University (telephone 416-736-5914 or e-mail

    By beginning the survey, you acknowledge that you have read the above information and agree to participate in this research, with the knowledge that you are free to withdraw your participation at any time without penalty.

    To start the survey, click the link below:

March 4, 2015

Humber College held two round table discussion /open houses last week regarding the Interpretive Centre that will be part of their new Welcome Centre.  They have posted a summary here.

March 3, 2015

We have been patiently sitting on this information for months, but now it is officially announced:


Click on the image above to see a pdf version of the press release. The largest and most visible portion of the funding will go towards rebuilding the viewing platform (outdoor classroom) at the pond.  The old one was removed last fall, and the new one will be completed early this spring.

Another significant portion of this funding will be used to provide subsidies for students participating in the environmental education programs run by the Humber Arboretum at the park. This will be the fourth year these programs have been offered here. Last year, CCFEW secured a significant infusion of third party funding, which really helped to prove the viability of the programs at this site.

You can learn about this and other Weston Family Parks Challenge grant recipients here.

There is also information about the grant and platform replacement on the City of Toronto website.