Hugh Currie led our December 10th Bird Walk at Humber Bay Park. It was a sunny day, but windy and cold. The birds weren’t very cooperative: the waterfowl were scarce and stayed mainly well offshore. Land birds were even more scarce: we failed to find some of he most common species. Here’s the list of sightings:
Black-crowned Night Heron Mute Swan Canada Goose Green-winged Teal American Black Duck Mallard Northern Pintail Gadwall Redhead Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye Bufflehead Hooded Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Black-capped Chickadee Northern Mockingbird American Tree Sparrow American Goldfinch
After a chilly 2 hours in the park, it was time to warm up with coffee & a cookie at Birds & Beans!
Here are some photos from the walk:
Male Northern Pintail with a female Mallard.
American Tree Sparrow
And a few more from Brian Keaveney:
American Goldfinches
Northern Mockingbird
Under revised rules, the buildings at Humber Bay Shores are getting taller and skinnier.
The new towers at Legion Road dwarf Marina Del Rey. The tallest is 44 stories.